STD Comprehensive

Lab Panel

Experiencing unusual discharge, pain, itching, rashes, fever, fatigue, or flu-like symptoms? 

These could be signs of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). If you’re looking for peace of mind and taking proactive measures for your health, our STD Comprehensive Panel provides a comprehensive range of essential tests designed to identify infections that could be responsible for these symptoms. 

Early detection empowers you to make informed decisions about your well-being. Take charge of your health journey and gain comprehensive insights through our STD Lab Panel.


STD Comprehensive Lab Panel includes the following:

  • Chlamydia/Gonorrhea, Urine

  • HIV 5th Generation (Ag-Ab Screen, HIV 1-Ab, HIV 2-AB)

  • Syphilis (RPR) Herpes (HSV 1 and 2) IgG

  • Hep A Ab Total w/Reflex to IgM

  • Hep B Core Ab, IgM

  • Hep B Surface Ab

  • Hep C Ab

Who Can Benefit?

Sexually active individuals: Those who engage in sexual activity, especially with multiple partners or without consistent condom use, can benefit from regular STD testing to ensure their sexual health.

Individuals with new sexual partners: People who have recently started new sexual relationships or have concerns about their partner's sexual history may benefit from STD testing to ensure they are not at risk for sexually transmitted infections.

People with symptoms: Individuals experiencing symptoms such as genital sores, discharge, pain during urination, or unusual vaginal bleeding should undergo STD testing to identify the cause of their symptoms and receive appropriate treatment.

Pregnant individuals: STD testing is often recommended for pregnant individuals to prevent the transmission of infections to the fetus or newborn during childbirth.

Individuals with a history of STDs: Those who have previously been diagnosed with an STD should undergo regular testing to monitor their health and prevent the spread of infections to sexual partners.

Individuals at high risk: Certain populations, such as men who have sex with men, individuals who inject drugs, or individuals with a history of commercial sex work, may be at higher risk for STDs and should undergo regular testing as part of their healthcare routine.

Schedule your consultation with us and take the first step towards renewed energy and well-being.

Schedule your consultation with us and take the first step towards renewed energy and well-being.